Mogens Sparre
When you come from a working-class home, there is a lot of focus on getting a job. Schooling is not a priority. When they in the primary school had to divide the kids into talented, and less talented kids in the primary school, I was sorted out as less talented. I never went to the gymnasium.
After school, I was educated as blacksmith. Started a family, got a house and a child. I subsequently became unemployed and had to make some new choices. We sold the house and I started to study to be a marine engineer. Surprisingly, the study went really well. After graduation I travelled with my family 100 km north of the Arctic Polar Circle (Greenland) and worked there for 4 years. While living in Greenland, I took an academy degree in Management as a self-study.
The positive experience of going to school was subsequently followed by a long educational life, alongside my many exciting management jobs. It became the education; Marine engineer, Electrical engineer, Diploma in Management, High Diploma in Management, Cand. Merc, MBA in Change Management and a PhD in Organizational Culture.
Today I work as a researcher at Aalborg University and am responsible for several modules and semesters. In addition to my work at the University, I am committed to board work and organizational development. My research area is based on Participant Involved Action Research, Organizational Development and Organizational Culture. Is a mentor to multiple leaders.
As a livelong learner my story from Blacksmith to be an Academic has sent me to the Storytelling society, and my skills as an Imagemaker has giving the price as the best teacher in 2019 at my institute.
See the publications on the AAU net.
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Home Pages
Favorite Books
Alvesson, Matz & Spicer, Andre 2016. The Stupidity paradox
Berger, Peter & Luckmann, Thomas. (1972) The social construction of reality
Dewey, John (2005) Democracy & Education
Gadamer, Hans-Georg. (2013) Truth and Method
Schutz, Alfred. (1972) Everyday Sociology
Positions of trust
Chairman of the Board in Uhre & Nybæk
Chairman of the Board in Blokhus Water Supply
Chairman of the Board of Danish Water Association, Region Nord
Chairman of the Board of Wise Mind