Who is Gaia?
“Gaia” has its origin in Greek mythology (→ See Wikipedia: Gaia), in which the term “Gaia” was used in poetry as personification of the earth.
Gaia is the ancestral mother of all life and as such one of the Greek primordial deities. In the “Gaia-Hypothesis” Lynn Margulis and James Lovelock (→ See Wikipedia: Gaia Hypothesis) chose Gaia deliberately to explain their conclusion that our planet earth is a living being.
Nowadays we realize that Gaia is not only the Blue Marble that we can see from the orbit and which we refer to as Spaceship Earth (→ maybe LINK to Spaceship Earth and Buckminster Fuller) and we understand that “Gaia is flat” and needs to be looked upon as in its “Critical Zones” (→ maybe LINKS to Bruno Latour)