Julia Hayden
Ever since I was a child, I communicated with the invisible and intangible. I tried to attentively look in between the obvious and became aware of the words that wanted to be heard in between the spoken as well as of the thought, emotions and energies that were somehow not feasible for others. I cultivated this consciousness along my journey through life.
The passion, love and interest for all beings on earth have brought about my particularly different approach to the human body. I support bodies, minds and souls to conciliate through storytelling which happens within each of my clients. http://www.julia-hayden.de/
When I came across the GaiaHypothesis (James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis) I decided to listen closer to Gaia and from then on, I translated what our world might want to express into human language. The beginning made the “Diary of the Earth” in2017. By now, I am a storytelling therapist and I am very glad for having found this great team of storytellers and friends around me.
Hayden, Julia, 2019, All is one. The answer of the body to the questions of the world, self-publishing with BoD and ThePrinternet
Hayden, Julia, European School of Governance, position paper #139, „The three crises of humankind – The Planet`s Choir”
Hayden, Julia, and Louis Klein, European School of Governance, position paper #86, “Critical Spirituality – Collective Development”
Hayden, Julia, European School of Governance, position paper #124, “The answer of our body to the questions of the world”
Hayden, Julia, 2020, Gaia Dialogue – The Philosophy of Earthly Things, self-publishing
Hayden, Julia, 2020, Discover who you really are – Pathways to your own kingdom, self-publishing with ThePrinternet
Hayden, Julia (aka Princess Gaia), Articles and blogs on Medium: https://medium.com/@princessgaia
Activities and Websites
“Humming For Gaia” together with Wir.ZukunftsTräume https://www.facebook.com/HummingforGaia/
“Storytelling For Water” – Online Conferences - https://princess-gaia.com/2020/05/26/3420/
“Bodywhispering” – www.julia-hayden.de
Videos aka Princess Gaia with series like “Giving Voice”, “Channeling Gaia” or “Princess Gaia meets Dr D University” on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZMd5vhwvbQHfrldXM40dsw
The Diary of the Earth on https://princess-gaia.com/
Favorite Books
Thich Nhat Hanh, The world we have
R. Buckminster Fuller, Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth
Aldous Huxley, The Perrenial Philosophy
Charles Eisenstein, Die Renaissance der Menschheit (translated version from The Ascent of Humanity)
James Lovelock, Gaia: A New Look at Life on Earth