Jens Larsen
I am a storytelling researcher and co-founder of True Storytelling, Old Friends Industires and Nordic School of Arts and Health. I spent my childhood and youth at the beaches in Denmark surfing, saling and and walking along the ocean picking up stones and shells and reflecting on life and the power of Gaia. Later I went out in the world hitch hiking and hiking the mountains of Himmalya, the Grand Canyon, Norway etc. For years I have arranged guided hikes for ceo´s, leaders and ngo´s to the Pyrenees in Spain, the Dolomitts in Northern Italy and along the West Coast in Denmark using the power of the place and nature, hiking and storytelling and philosophy to help people to reconnect to Gaia, their true story and core values. Together with professor David Boje and Lena Bruun I have develop the ethical changes method True Storytelling which is grounded in Nature and indeginous knowing and help people, organizations and communities implement a more sustainable future.
Publications on storytelling, nature and lifelong learning
Larsen, Boje, Bruun ”True Storytelling – 7 principles for a ethical change management”, Routledge 2020
Larsen, Kirkeby, Hede, Mejlhede ”Protreptik – filosofisk coaching i ledelse” (Protreptic – philosophical coaching in leadership), SL Forlag, 2008
Larsen, Christensen”Succes og brændte broer”, Peoples Press 2010
Larsen, ”Sangskriver – 11 samtaler”, Lindhrdt & Ringhof, 2002
Larsen, Christensen, ”Helle Helle og Naja Marie Aidt – portrætsamtaler og novelleanalyser” Gyldendal Uddannelse, 2014
Larsen, Christensen, ”Kim Fupz og Jesper Wung Sung – portrætsamtaler og novelleanalyser” Gyldendal Uddannelse, 2016
Larsen, Christensen, ”Caspar Eric og Theis Ørtoft – portrætsamtaler og digtanalyser” Gyldendal, 2020
Activities and website
Consulting and managing large projecst about sustainablity and lifelong learning.
Certicate Program ”Become a true storyteller” (true-storytelling.com)
Creating mental health through arts and nature Nordic School of Arts and Helth nordicsah.com
Storytelling and sustainability Old Friends Industires (oldfriendsindustries.com)
Favorite books
Naja Marie Aidt, Baboon – short stories
Gregory Cajete, Native Science: Natural Laws of Interdependence
Frédéric Gros, A Philosophy of Walking
Hannah Arendt, Human condition
Soren Kierkegaard, Either/Or: A Fragment of Life
Charlotte Joko Beck, Everyday Zen
Deleuze, Guattari, What is philosophy