David M. Boje
“David M. Boje is what Foucault calls a 'specific intellectual', an international scholar confronting and deconstructing the 'regimes of truth' with his own storytelling paradigm.”
As Professor and Bill Daniels Ethics Fellow, a past endowed Bank of America professor of management at New Mexico State University (NMSU) in Las Cruces, I have published over 120 journal articles, seventeen books, including Narrative Methods for Organization and Communication Research (Sage, 2001); Storytelling Organizations, 2008; Critical Theory Ethics in Business and Public Administration, 2008.
I earned my Ph.D. from University of Illinois in 1978, and became assistant professor at Anderson School of Management, UCLA, then restarted my career as a walk-on temp, and did become full professor at Loyola Marymount University, earning six teacher of the year awards. I moved to New Mexico in 1996, and became winner of the New Mexico State University (NMSU) Distinguished Career Award, and currently hold its highest rank as Regents Professor. I retired in 2018 from New Mexico State University, earning Regents Professor, and Distinguished Scholar, and am currently Professor Emeritus. I became professor at Aalborg University, Denmark and also teach qualitative storytelling science methods at Cabrini University in Philadelphia (with Grace Ann). I am frequent teacher in seminars in universities around the world, currently editor-in-chief of the Business Storytelling Encyclopedia, bringing a needed paradigm change in 16 volumes focused on topics such as race, gender, ethics, and indigenous studies. I give invited keynote presentations on storytelling science, water crises, racial capitalism, and the global climate crisis, all around the world.
I am also known for my 1991 Administrative Science Quarterly and 1995 Academy of Management Journal articles on 'storytelling organization' in relation to currency of sensemaking in organisations as Tamara (play)-Land and I am the founder of Tamara Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry.
My most recent books: True Storytelling (Routledge, Francis & Taylor) with Jens Larsen and Lena Bruun, Doing Conversational Storytelling Interviewing for Your Dissertation ( Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.) with Grace Ann Rosile. I created the field of “antenarrative” research, which analyzes all that is antecedent to creating western narratives and indigenous living stories. Together with the 'true storytelling' founders (Grace Ann, Jens, Lena, & I) we do Zoom sessions, which are being offered to global participants on 'true storytelling ethics, ensemble leadership, sustainability, and their newest seminar theme (with Oscar Edwards(co-hosting): "Intercultural Conversations: A Community-Centered Storytelling Experience to Restory Narratives on Racism." Their hope is for a more cooperative, equitable, and just society with improved quality of life outcomes for all (https://true-storytelling.com; & https:truestorytelling.blog).
Together with Grace Ann Iconvene the annual 'Quantum Storytelling Conference' each December in Las Cruces New Mexico (https://davidboje.com/quantum). It will be a virtual Zoom event in 2020.
I take a spiritual approach on living story, ever the Hegelian, seeing Spirit manifesting in the world. I do so in a circle of shamanic drumming practitioners, doing meditation sessions, journeying to Upper and Lower Worlds, to bring insight and healing to Middle World on Mondays the shamanic drummers Zoom https://davidboje.com/shamanic
As Director European School of Governance (EUSG), I am member of the editorial board of the The Systemic Change Journal that is an ongoing conversation about ways of Governing the Anthropocene, and helping to set up a Sustainability Storytelling Lab. Before I was Editor of the Journal of Organizational Change Management for 14 years, and founder and editor of Tamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry for 10 years. I co-founded and served as Board Chair for the entire 25-year life span of the Standing Conference for Management and Organization Inquiry and participated as past chair of the Academy of Management Research Methods division. I also was awarded an honorary doctorate from Aalborg University in Denmark, where he is considered the “godfather” of their Material Storytelling Lab. The Military Family storytelling lab work continues in New Mexico to develop embodied restorying sandtray and equine assisted restorying as evidence-based protocol. See https://davidboje.com/vita for books, articles, and other info.
Boje, D.M. (2001a). Narrative Methods for Organizational and Communication Research, London: Sage.
Boje, D. M. (2001b). Flight of Antenarrative in Phenomenal Complexity Theory, Tamara, Storytelling Organization Theory. 20 September, paper to honor Professor Hugo Letiche and his work on Phenomenal Complexity Theory, for the 24 and 25 September Conference on Complexity and Consciousness at Huize Molenaar (Korte Nieuwstraat 6) in the old center of Utrecht, Netherlands. http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/papers/ante/flight_of_antenarrative.htm
Boje, D. M. (2001c). "Antenarrating, Tamara, and Nike Storytelling". Paper prepared for presentation at "Storytelling Conference" at the School of Management; Imperial College, 53 Prince’s Gate, Exhibition Road, London, 9 July 2001. On line at http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/papers/ethnostorytelling.htm
Boje, D. M. (2002). "Critical Dramaturgical Analysis of Enron Antenarratives and Metatheatre". Plenary presentation to 5th International Conference on Organizational Discourse: From Micro-Utterances to Macro-Inferences, Wednesday 24th - Friday 26 July (London).
Boje. D. M. 2005. Empire Reading of Manet's Execution of Maximilian: Critical Visual Aesthetics and Antenarrative Spectrality. Tamara Journal. Vol 4 (4): 118–134. http://peaceaware.com/388/articles/20052.pdf
Boje, D. M. (2007a). Chapter 13 Living Story: From Wilda to Disney, pp. 330–354. Handbook of Narrative Inquiry: Mapping a New Methodology. Edited by Jean Clandinin, London: Sage.
Boje, D. M. (2007b). "The Antenarrative Cultural Turn in Narrative Studies" in Mark Zachry & Charlotte Thralls (Eds.) Communicative Practices in Workplaces and the Professions: Cultural Perspectives on the Regulation of Discourse and Organizations.
Boje, D. M. 2007c. Globalization Antenarratives. pp. 505–549, Chapter 17 in Albert Mills, Jeannie C. Helms-Mills & Carolyn Forshaw (Eds). Organizational Behavior in a Global Context. Toronto: Garamond Press.
Boje, D. M. (2008a). Storytelling Organizations, London: Sage.
Boje, D. M. (2010). Towards a postcolonial storytelling theory that interrogates tribal peoples' Material-Agential-Storytelling ignored in management and organization studies. Under review, and working paper available from dboje at nmsu.edu
Boje, D.M. (2011). Storytelling and the future of organizations, Routledge Taylor & Francis group.
Boje (forthcoming). Antenarrative in management research. The Sage Dictionary of Qualitative Management Research: London (2,500 words). Accepted 2006. Draft available at http://business.nmsu.edu/~dboje/690/papers/Antenarrative%20in%20Management%0research%20May%2014%2005.pdf[permanent dead link]
Boje, D. M. & Baskin, K. (2010). Dancing to the Music of Story. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Press. See Chapter 1 on complexity.
Boje, D. M. (2011). Shaping the Future of Storytelling in Organizations: An Antenarrative Handbook. London: Routledge (release date is March 2011).
Boje, D. M. & Grace Ann Rosile (2002). Enron Whodunit? Ephemera. Vol 2(4), pp. 315–327.
Boje, D. M. & Grace Ann Rosile (2003). Life Imitates Art: Enron’s Epic and Tragic Narration. Management Communication Quarterly. Vol. 17 (1): 85–125.
Boje, D. M., Rosile, G.A., Durant, R.A. & Luhman, J.T. 2004 "Enron Spectacles: A Critical Dramaturgical Analysis". Special Issue on Theatre and Organizations edited by Georg Schreyögg and Heather Höpfl, Organization Studies, 25(5):751-774.
Boje, D. M.; Rosile, G. A.; & Gardner, C. L. 2007. "Antenarratives, Narratives and Anaemic Stories" Chapter 4, pp. 30–45, Storytelling in Management, Editors: Ms. Nasreen Taher and Ms. Swapna Gopalan, Publisher: The Icfai University Press, India, First Edition: 2007 (Note: was based upon Paper presented in Showcase Symposium, Academy of Management,. Mon 9 Aug 2004 in New Orleans).
Activities and Websites
https://davidboje.com/shamanic MONDAY ZOOM SHAMANIC DRUMMING CIRCLE meets Noon Mountain Time
https://truestorytelling.blog TRUE STORYTELLING BLOG
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